Zander: Navigating the Uncertainties with Determination

STUDENTS Zander: Navigating the Uncertainties with Determination By the QTAC Marketing Team Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of another inspiring student who was one of this year’s TSXPO Prize Pack winners, Zander Vollenhoven from Ferny Grove State High School. Zander has a clear vision for his future – he aspires to study engineering at […]
Considering Alternate Paths to University

PATHWAYS Considering Alternate Paths to University By the QTAC Applications Team Exploring your options, beyond the traditional path to university! The journey to university isn’t always a straight line. Sometimes, it’s about finding alternative paths that suit YOU. Alternate pathways to consider Here are other alternative pathways which could lead you to studying your chosen […]
Ordering and utilising preferences for QTAC

Attention current applicants! You’re already planning your journey into higher education and you’re on top of your key dates and prerequisites. Now, the task of arranging your course preferences on your QTAC application. The order in which you list your preferred courses can significantly impact your academic path. Rest assured, we’ve compiled a quick guide […]